Disney has been around for 93 years. Its been bringing joy to everyone with all its movies, and characters. Disney has released many amazing animated films, but only one truly succeeds. This would be 2014's film Big Hero 6. With its outstanding animation quality, engaging plot, and relatable situations. Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams and with a budget of 162 million dollars. Its a life changing animated film, that captured and continues to capture the hearts of millions, including mine. It was a film that changed my life,
The animation quality of a Disney movies has increased over the years, and Big Hero 6 has hit a point of high quality animation that is going to be difficult to beat. As I watched it I couldn’t help but notice how well it was put together. The first time I saw it made me want to watch it again, to catch every detail the second time around.. This films animation team consisted of over 25 crew members. I enjoyed the fact that each character was extremely different from the other, making the movie characters more likeable. This made the movie different than any other, since the characters usually have some type of likeness in looks or creation. It is also the first Disney movie to be created alongside Marvel, with the help of comic book legend Stan Lee. Who actually plays a part in the films unexpected plot. That I believe gives it a great aspect on creation of the film.
Big Hero 6 is unlike an other movie. This movie is not based around one single main character, but actually around a whole group of friends who rush into action for their beloved friend, Tadashi Hamada. Tadashi Hamada plays one of the biggest parts in the film as the creator of Baymax, and the loving older brother of trouble making 14 year old prodigy, Hiro Hamada. Their friends, adrenaline junkie Go Go Tomago, comic book fanboy Fred, neat freak Wasabi, and energetic chemist Honey Lemon. They all form a superhero team known as Big Hero 6, which seem unimaginable for their characters from the beginning. Whos biggest unexpected enemy is their role model Professor Callaghan, who causes the death of loving friend Tadashi Hamada. The movie hits every single emotion in a short amount to time from laughter to sadness. It contained something that anyone can relate to, making it an even greater film to watch over and over. I personally was shocked with each plot twist, it made me want to keep watching and when it was over, I had to sit there for a minute to pull myself together. Its impact on anyone is always memorable.
Every film Disney has created teaches something at the end of it. Most people remember what they've learned for the films for the rest of their lives. This film however doesn’t just teach one lesson but multiple, that people nowadays really need to hear. It also relates to situations people face all the time. For example, the bond between a younger sibling and an older sibling. Its a bond that no one can break, but when its lost it teaches you its okay to cry. Boys in today's time are taught not to cry because it is feminnem, forcing them to bottle everything up. Which is not the correct solution which will lead to long term damage or in Hiros case making the decision to hurt the person who hurt you which will not solve anything. The lessons that can be learned from this film need to be said to everyone and what better way than a warm hearted film. It tells you that its okay and thats what we need to learn from movies nowadays
In my opinion that's what makes the movie so great and unique then the rest. I believe that this film will be remembered and passed down to generation to generation because of it's inspiring plot and quality.
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